Expanding the range of ready-made solutions for calibration laboratories
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Theseus Lab in conjunction with its partners actively develops automation, extending the line of the proposed solutions, which provided comprehensive and partial automation of processes in calibration laboratories – e.g. launching and integration of AWPs, technical support and personnel training.
Ready-made AWPs are successfully used by many calibration laboratories, they allow you to save time and money as well as to increase the quality, comfort and measurements safety.
Over the past six months more than 30 new AWPs were implemented:
AWPs for measurements of:
- side emissions
- harmonics and flicker
- conduction and emitted interference by TR TC 020
AWPs for testing of:
- Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
- immunity to radio frequency electromagnetic field
AWPs for calibration of:
- high-precision voltmeters by the interface
- multimeters without an interface, using computer vision
- digital voltmeters without an interface, using computer vision
AWPs for verification of:
- calibrators by the interface
- pH-meters in dialog mode (interactively)
- power quality analyzers by the interface
- spectrum analyzers by the interface
- power supplies in dialog mode (interactively) and by interface
- power meters using machine vision and by interface
- voltmeters without an interface, using computer vision
- voltmeters by the interface
- HF generators by the interface and in dialog mode (interactively)
- high-precision voltmeters by the interface
- G5-generators in dialog mode (interactively)
- acoustic measuring instruments, vibration measuring devices and spectrum analyzers
- calibrator B1-28 by the interface
- calibrators Н4 by the interface
- calibrators by the interface
- torque wrench
- pressure gauges in semi-automatic mode
- multimeters without an interface, using computer vision
- oscilloscopes by the interface
- Pointer instruments in dialog mode (interactively)
- Universal calibrators in dialog mode (interactively)
- Frequency meters using machine vision and by interface
AWPs for automation of:
- capacitance standard
- reference voltage standard
- automation of making protocols of workplace certification by working conditions
- Automation of measuring field strength from radiotechnical objects under Sanitary Rules and Regulations
- Microwave devices calibration
- formation of a calibration protocols interactively
UniTesS solutions are distinguished by: simple adaptation in case of replacement of old hardware to new one; storing of all the necessary information in a single database, simple organization of access to it at different levels; user-friendly interface, the low requirements to the computer equipment and many other benefits.
UniTesS improves your lab efficiency!
For more information about the management system, UniTesS laboratories automation, ready-made AWP and the terms and conditions of your laboratory automation follow the link.